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Colour Psychology - Interior Design & Decoration - Brisbane and Gold Coast


What is Colour Psychology?

Colour is a powerful force that influences our perceptions and decisions on a moment-by-moment basis, yet we often dismiss its importance and take its powerful properties for granted. Many people lack an understanding of how to fully use colour to nurture and heal themselves and others. We interpret this knowledge with the study of Colour Psychology.

According to Wikipedia, "Colour Psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behaviour. Colour influences perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food. Colours can also enhance the effectiveness of placebos (in medical trials). Factors such as gender, age, and culture can influence how an individual perceives colour."

Colour Psychology examines colour as it relates to human emotions. While studying Colour Psychology we learn about the emotional energy that each colour holds. We put words to these emotions so that we can...

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